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„A vision without a chance to become a reality must be ahallucination. “

This quote embellishes my office. There are a lot more quotesyou sent me.

Every single one inspiring and unique. Every single quote functionas a special motivation.

Doing a job that you deem extraordinary is a prerequisite for youto do an extraordinary job. One of my visions is for every employeeto work with passion, as that will give them that positive attitudetowards life, I wish for everybody.

Many moments let us doubt and set us back. Especially in timeslike these, it is not easy to find the motivation morning aftermorning to get out of bed. Yet, the passion for creating a betterfuture with your team is a key to success and happiness.

Problems allow us to show what we are capable of. Therefore,we must find out how we want to shape the future. In the end,it does not matter how big Tennis-Point will grow one day. Success, satisfaction, and good numbers are the byproduct ofus sticking together as a team to walk the walk every single daywith a positive attitude so we can say:

Thanks to our collective efforts in #teamyellow, we have leftfootprints in sports on this planet we can all be proud of.

Dear #teamyellow,
What you invest into the company is your lifetime.
Time you are not going to get back.
With that in mind, I would like to say two things:
Thank you, I appreciate every single one of you tremendously.
Secondly: Merry Christmas!

sneak peek

Edition 3 - 2022